Average Cost of Car Insurance

Average Car Insurance Cost

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Average Cost for Car Insurance Per Month May Shock You

The average cost for car insurance per month may shock you, but that’s only if you are not informed of what to expect when it comes to auto coverage rates. If you are new to getting average car insurance rates and haven’t already gotten quotes, these guidelines should help assist in your decision making process. The first thing to know is what the average cost of car insurance may cover and include.

Average Car Insurance Rates by State

The average cost of car insurance per month can vary a great deal based on the state where you reside. Actually, your auto insurance prices can even vary based on your zip code, or where you keep your vehicle locked up at night. You may be wondering how your state can affect your average monthly car insurance costs, but it isn’t really that complicated.

  • Different states have different minimum requirements when it comes to establishing an average car insurance policy. The trick is to make sure you are meeting the requirements of your state. This is especially true if you have recently relocated to a new state.
  • With the exception of New Hampshire, every state has at least a minimal amount of liability insurance a driver must be carry to be behind the wheel of a vehicle legally. The amounts for the minimum amount needed vary but otherwise New Hampshire is the only state you could drive legally without liability insurance.
  • SR22 insurance is for drivers who have lost their license and have been deemed high risk for one reason or another. In some states, the only way to be able to have your license reinstated and drive legally is to secure this type of insurance. Not all states require it, however, and some states will allow drivers to move there without having to maintain their SR22 policy even if they were required to do so in the previous state where they resided.
  • No fault insurance is another type of policy required in some states. When asking about the cost of car insurance in your state, find out if it is a no fault insurance policy state or not.  The idea behind a no fault car insurance policy is that each driver is covered by his or her own auto insurance regardless of who was at fault and caused the collision. This lessens the need for lawsuits in order to settle cases and expenses and ensures that all parties involved have the medical coverage they need immediately.
  • Collision and comprehensive are your average car insurance policies that offer a little more substance than some of the others that may be your state’s minimum requirement for driving legally. Collision insurance covers vehicles involved with a collision with one another. This type of policy does leave some gaps, however, gaps that comprehensive insurance usually fills in. Comprehensive covers drivers and cars that are involved in accidents or suffer damage from other means such as hail damage, floods, fires and other things not covered by collision. This is also what helps with coverage if your car is stolen.

What Factors Determine the Average Cost for Car Insurance Per Month

There are many things that go into effecting your monthly premiums and how you may be able to lower your costs. Much of that also has to do with your age and how long you have been driving. Here are a few tips for things you could be hitting upon to try to get the best average cost for car insurance per month.

  • For teen drivers, your average monthly car insurance premiums will be among the highest. There are ways, however, to keep the costs lower. Make sure you take driver’s education courses in school and submit your completion certificates to your insurance agent. Also try to keep that grade point average up because some companies reward good scholastic behavior with more manageable monthly premiums.
  • For those who are still under the age of 25, your rates may still be higher than they will be after 25. Marriage is one thing that does tend to lower the cost of your car insurance average price per month. Check with your agent however to see if there are any defensive driving classes you may be able to take to help reduce your monthly insurance costs. Obviously do your best to also maintain a good driving record so your costs for your average car insurance per month will begin to go down instead of increase.
  • After the age of 25, it is a matter of keeping your record as spotless as possible. You can look into things such as where you keep your car though. For example, a car kept in a garage and protected from the elements such as hail will help reduce your costs. Also if you vehicle is parked every night on the street in an area known for a more elevated level of crime, your rates will be elevated as well. Check to see if you can find a policy that offers reasonable discounts for those actively involved in a volunteer organization and get actively involved in one if you aren’t already.
  • In your golden years, make sure to look for courses offered to seniors who are still behind the wheel. These classes are often times offered for free and will help senior drivers get a true idea of how they are actually doing as far as driving a car. Your average monthly car insurance rates are bound to be lowered by taking these courses.
  • Also try to pay your auto insurance on either an annual or quarterly basis and your premiums will be lower than they would as monthly.

The best way to get your affordable average car insurance policy in place is to get your free quotes. When you fill in your zip code you are gaining access to those carriers waiting to offer you their competitive rates for average monthly car insurance rates.

Understanding the Average Cost for Car Insurance per Month

Understanding the Average Cost for Car Insurance per Month

Drivers often neglect to understand the importance of finding out what the average cost for car insurance per month may be before getting themselves into a new car payment. Or it may be that you are one of those risk takers who is sure you cannot afford the average car insurance payment and have decided to drive illegally without it instead of getting those quotes. You no longer have to make these same types of mistakes when it comes to understanding the average cost of insurance.

What about Average Car Insurance Rates by State? Understanding the Average Cost for Car Insurance per Month

If you are not yet familiar with the process of knowing what the average cost of car insurance per month is, you may not yet realize your own zip code can have an impact on the price you pay. For that reason you should keep these things in mind in relation to the average car insurance rates by state:

  • The state you live in will have a direct effect on your average cost of car insurance. Every state aside from New Hampshire requires drivers to carry at least liability insurance to be behind the wheel of a car legally. The amount the minimum requirements will vary, but a liability policy for average car insurance includes an amount for personal injury per person per accident, a total amount of coverage for all injuries per accident and a third amount to cover any property damage per collision.
  • Some states may require more than just liability. In fact, when determining the average cost of car insurance per month for your policy, you will need to find out if you live in a state that requires “no fault” car insurance coverage. No fault car insurance coverage is meant to cover the driver who is insured regardless of who is deemed at fault in a collision. The idea behind this is to help lower the average cost for car insurance per month by reducing the need for expensive legal fees as the result of lawsuits. At this time the states that have made no fault auto insurance mandatory include:

1.)    Florida
2.)    Hawaii
3.)    Kansas
4.)    Kentucky
5.)    Massachusetts
6.)    Michigan
7.)    Minnesota
8.)    New Jersey
9.)    New York
10.) North Dakota
11.)  Pennsylvania
12.)  Utah

  •  Other states may have other requirements, and some of it may be based on things such as whether or not you are financing your vehicle. An insurance agent can help you make sure your have the complete average car insurance policy you need in place.

Other Driver Details Impacting Your Average Car Insurance

Aside from your state, there are other details that will impact your average monthly car insurance premiums. For instance if you have a financed car that is worth less than what you are currently paying for it, you may have to have insurance to cover these differences. Your driving history, car insurance record and even your credit score can all be determining factors that impact what your average car insurance per month cost will be.

Keep in mind you can help reduce those payments by doing things such as having a sizable down payment or making your premium payments annually or quarterly instead of monthly. Though it may be trickier to come up with these amounts annually or quarterly, it will save you money on your average cost of car insurance. There are many short term car insurance options that can protect you for a small amount of time. It can be one month up to many more. Make sure too that you work as hard as possible to keep your driving record clean and those insurance rates low as possible.

Don’t Put It Off

There’s no need to put off getting your average car insurance quotes and getting your policy in place right away. This can help you:

  • Avoid legal ramifications, tickets and fines
  • Make sure you can afford to cover at least damage or injuries you will be responsible for in a collision where you are deemed the “at fault” driver
  • Ensure that your new car is actually paid off and not your responsibility if it is stolen or wrecked to the point of being “totaled out”
  • Give you peace of mind protection and the ability to drive legally

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you have all the average car insurance coverage you need. Be a street smart driver and get your affordable average monthly car insurance rates by simply offering up nothing more than your zip code. By doing this you can have companies offering low average car insurance rates competing for your policy today.

Car Insurance Costs – Men vs. Women

Car Insurance Costs

Is Average Car Insurance the Same Between Men and Women?

It turns out what is average auto insurance for men may not be the same as for women. When looking for average insurance rates, this is important to be aware of so you know what to expect for your premiums. It may also make a difference because you may want to make adjustments or look for ways to cut costs if you happen to be the gender expected to pay slightly elevated auto insurance policy rates.

How the Average Auto Insurance Rates Differ

Want to know what type of differences to expect based on your gender?

Here are a few factors that impact average car insurance rates in relation to whether you are male or female. Car Insurance Costs

  • Contrary to the popular “belief” that women are less than equal when it comes to driving skills versus men, women generally have lower average insurance premiums.
  • The rates for younger drivers for male versus female are much more drastic. While teen drivers are deemed “high risk” drivers and will have higher rates, the average car insurance rate drops for females at age 21 and not until age 25 for males.
  • Younger drivers who marry, however, may see a balancing out of the scales, at least to some degree. Younger drivers who marry are considered more mature and therefore will see the benefits of lowered insurance rates.

What Can Be Done

While some people may cling to the old belief that women are the weaker sex, when it comes to driving, insurance companies have a different take. It seems women are more likely to drive slower and be more cautious, while male drivers are viewed as faster and more aggressive. If you are a male driver looking to get those average car insurance rates to decrease, there are a few things you can do.

  • Skip the sports car or convertible – Because male drivers are already viewed as a higher risk group when it comes to being behind the wheel it is a better idea to get a vehicle that is not a high risk and less likely to “attract” tickets and citations.
  • Watch the color of the car as well – Red is the color choice most likely to get you into higher rates. Communicate with your insurance agent about other colors to avoid in your state that could lead to higher rates before you get a new or used car.
  • Take safety classes – If you are still in high school and want to lower your average car insurance rates, make sure you enroll in driver’s education courses. As an adult you can usually still find courses within the community your insurance carrier may recognize and reward by lowering your average insurance premium rates. If you do get a ticket, take the driver school option so it never shows up on your record.

The best way to prevent overpaying on your average car insurance rates is to get your free quotes and compare rates. Enter your zip code and find out how much money you could start saving.


Average Cost of Car Insurance for New Drivers

Average Cost of Car Insurance for New Drivers

If you are trying to get your first auto policy coverage, you may be noticing the average cost of car insurance for new drivers can be steep. First time drivers are considered high risk because they lack the experience behind the wheel that makes them good defensive drivers. A few years of clean driving record will cause your rates to drop, but getting to that point takes time. In the meantime, it is important to try to find auto insurance for new drivers that is affordable.

There are ways, however, to save money or cut costs so that your premiums for car insurance for new drivers are at least affordable. There are also some things to take into consideration to understand why your rates may be as high as they are. If you are ready to start driving and need to get your first auto insurance policy, these are some valuable things to comprehend prior to signing up for your policy.

How to Drop Rates for the Average Cost of Car Insurance for New Drivers

It may be more challenging to find lower premium rates on auto insurance coverage for new drivers, but it isn’t impossible. In fact, that is one of the major benefits of taking advantage of comparing multiple rates when it comes to your auto insurance coverage. When policy providers compete for your business, you can see dramatic results and come out a winner.

Other ways to keep your rates lower: Average Cost of Car Insurance for New Drivers

  • If you are a young driver and still live at home, see about getting on your parent’s auto insurance policy as a secondary driver. Having your very own car insurance policy may sound like a good idea, but the truth is it ends up being nothing but an overly expensive option that drivers should avoid if possible.
  • Don’t get into a brand new financed car if you don’t need to. The higher the financed value of your car, the more you will spend on your monthly premiums. This is true even for more experienced drivers but will only end up costing even more if you are a younger driver. If you have to finance a car, try to get a car that is a few years older at least.
  • If you get into a financed car, get the safety feature options over the other bells and whistles. Added safety features will not only protect you as the driver and your passengers, but will also help lower the monthly premiums you pay for auto insurance. Even having anti-theft devices will help lower your costs. If you end up with an older vehicle that does not have standard safety features, consider adding them to the car for protection and lower rates.

Most importantly try your best to maintain a clean driving record without any accidents or tickets. Eventually the higher rates you pay as a new driver will drop. If you are finally ready to get your average cost of car insurance for new drivers quotes, all that is required of you right now is your zip code.

How to Determine the Average Cost of Full Coverage Car Insurance

How to Determine the Average Cost of Full Coverage Car Insurance

Determining the average cost of full coverage car insurance has so much to do with so many factors. Before signing up for any policy, though, you owe it to yourself to compare rates so you can make the best decision possible. Having an idea of what can impact the rates can help drivers have some concept of what to expect for prices. Also knowing what may help lower rates is a useful tool. Most important, however, is having different quotes from policy providers in order to find the best rate for the full coverage policy you want.

Some Common Factors

If you are trying to find out what the average cost of full coverage car insurance could be for you, there are some things you should know about and take into consideration.  How to Determine the Average Cost of Full Coverage Car Insurance

  • There is some confusion about the term full coverage, so understanding what exactly it is you want will help you find out what type of average cost of full coverage car insurance rates you may have. For some policy providers, full coverage is nothing more than making sure you meet the full amount of insurance required by your state or financial lender for an auto loan. For others it can mean the full combination of liability, collision and comprehensive insurance so your policy has no gaps. The more coverage you must have or choose to have, obviously the more pricy your auto insurance policy will be.
  • On that note, the state you live in and whether or not your car is financed will impact the rates you pay for monthly full coverage car insurance premiums. In fact your specific zip code can change rates, and your insurance may be more or less expensive than the same coverage would in the zip code next door. This usually has a good deal to do with the amount of traffic, construction, percentage of accidents for the area and even the rate of crime that could increase the chances for theft of vandalism. If your car is financed, the average cost of full coverage car insurance for it will be determined by the value of the car.
  • How you pay for your auto insurance will have an effect on the rates as well. If you choose to go monthly for your premium payments, your rates will be a good deal higher than if you pay annually, every six months or even quarterly. Whenever possible set the payments up for a period greater than monthly and see the savings. Most new policies require a down payment to get started, which can be paid up front or broken down into your monthly installments. Again if you pay up front you will save money. Even whether you have your payments set up as auto withdraw or not can effect what your premium payments will be.
  • If you can go with a higher deductible you can save money on your average cost of full coverage car insurance rates too. The trick is not to go with a deductible that is too high. If you are only at a $250 deductible your rates will be higher than if you go with a $500 deductible. The same is true if you raise the deductible to $1,000, but then you are taking a risk that you may not be able to come up with that amount should the need arise.

What You Get and Do You Need it?

More than likely if you are inquiring about the average cost of full coverage car insurance, you want to make sure you are completely covered as a driver. The right kind of full coverage insurance will include:

  • The repair or replacement of your vehicle depending on the amount of damage caused. If you have something greater than liability this will mean even if you cause the accident your own car will be covered.
  • The repair or replacement of other vehicle(s) involved in the collision.
  • Your medical expenses and any bills for injuries of other people involved in the crash. If you don’t have health insurance this could be crucial. Medical expenses can include prolonged hospital stays, prescriptions, surgery and aftercare, which might involve physical therapy for example.
  • Damage caused to personal or public property such as a home or a guardrail. Without insurance you would pay for these things out of pocket.

The get the best comparison for the average cost of full coverage car insurance rates get your quotes by simply using your zip code to get started.

Average Cost of Car Insurance for Teenagers

Average Cost of Car Insurance for Teenagers

Getting your driver’s license for the very first time is an exciting moment in a young person’s life. It is, however, also an expensive one when it comes to securing auto insurance coverage for teens. The average cost of car insurance for teenagers can be pretty steep, and it can be difficult to find ways to cut down on the premium costs. So before you run off and pay too much for your auto insurance for the young driver in your household, make sure you know a thing or two about securing the policy and getting affordable car insurance for teenagers.

Average Cost of Car Insurance for Teenagers – What to Expect

There are several reasons younger drivers cost more when it comes to those monthly car insurance premiums: Average Cost of Car Insurance for Teenagers

  • One reason the average cost of auto insurance for teens is so high is that these drivers lack the experience required to become a skilled and defensive driver.
  • Young drivers are much more likely to not pay attention to the road and get caught up in conversation with their friends who are passengers or by changing the song on their MP3 players.
  • Younger drivers behind the wheel are more easily distracted by things not related to driving or the road. So, if a phone call or text comes in, they are more likely to get distracted by this than a driver with more experience.
  • The bottom line is that teen drivers are considered high risk drivers. This means they are at a greater risk for being involved in a collision.

Lower Your Rates

Just because premiums for young drivers who lack experience are generally higher doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to save money when it comes to your policy payments. Some ways to save on the average cost of car insurance for teenagers include:

  • Make sure your teen driver takes advantage of driver’s education courses available at his or her high school as part of the general curriculum. Not only does this course help you and your teen receive more manageable rates for car insurance, it will also help prepare your son and daughter for being on the road.
  • Help your teen to maintain a higher grade point average or GPA. Many car insurance policy providers offer discounts for teens who study and work hard to keep their grades up as a reward and incentive to continue to do so. Study with your teen and ensure that he or she has the tools necessary to keep those grades high.
  • Have your teenager get a part time job to help with the premium costs. If your child is old enough to drive, he or she is old enough to understand responsibility. Encourage this by having them work and contribute to the policy costs.
  • Get different rate quotes. By just supplying your zip code you can gain access to plenty of competitive quotes from car insurance companies trying to win your business. Get your average cost of car insurance for teenagers today and find out how to start saving big.

What Is the Average Cost for Car Insurance per Month?

Average Cost for Car Insurance per Month

Determining what the average cost for car insurance per month is can be tricky because there are so many factors that go into deciding what a driver will pay for insurance. The state you live in, your zip code and even where you park your vehicle each night are all determining details that determine the average cost for car insurance. However, you should know some things before getting even your rates for the average cost for car insurance per month.

After gaining some insight as to what you can expect to have an effect on your average monthly car insurance rates, you will need to get quotes from providers competing for your business. This is a great way to make your average car insurance cost go down because the competition will enable you have cheaper rates to choose from. The important thing is to make sure you actually get your policy in place so you can drive legally and reduce your risks of paying for an accident out of your own pocket.

What’s So Important about Having Average Car Insurance?

Surely, by now you realize the importance of driving with a valid and up to date auto insurance policy. In fact, even driving without proof of an existing average car insurance policy could land you a ticket and a fine. Here is the rundown on the importance of having your auto insurance. Average Cost for Car Insurance per Month

  • To drive a car legally in every state except for New Hampshire, you must have some sort of average car insurance in place. Most states require only liability insurance, but some require more. It is crucial to find out before spending money on your average car insurance payment that you know what your state minimum requirements are. This is especially true if you had a policy but have relocated to a new state. Finding out what your average car insurance rates by state are will help make sure you are driving legally in your new zip code.
  • If you have a collision and are not at fault but are not driving legally because you do not have insurance, you are more than likely not going to have your expenses covered. Even if the other driver is at fault, most insurance companies will not pay out to a driver who was driving illegally.
  • If you have an accident and are at fault, the bills you will acquire as a result can be astronomical. The average cost for car insurance per month is much less than anything you will have to pay out of pocket should the need arise. The average cost of car insurance is miniscule compared to having to pay for another driver’s car repairs or replacement, medical bills, private property damage or public property damage.
  • All that is without even considering what expenses you may have in relation to your own car and medical bills. This is even more true if you do not have your own health insurance.

What Types of Insurance Are There?

When comparing average car insurance rates, you will need to know what type of auto insurance you need in the first place. Of course working with an insurance agent after getting your quotes can help you make sense of your policy needs, but you may already have an idea of what you need. If not, here is a basic rundown of options that are available for car insurance.

  • SR22 is a type of insurance needed in order for someone who has had their license suspended and categorized a “high risk driver” to have their license reinstated.
  • Liability is the basic minimum average monthly car insurance a state will require a driver to have in order to be street legal. Liability ensures the expenses of the driver who was not at fault will be covered by the driver who was.
  • No fault is an insurance policy required by 12 states at present time. It means that both insured drivers are covered and each insurance company will cover their driver’s expenses regardless of who was at fault.
  • Collision is an average car insurance policy that covers the vehicles involved in a collision but does not cover damage to a car caused by other events.
  • Comprehensive fills in the gaps and makes sure your car is also protected from damage caused by things such as hail, fire, floods, vandalism or theft.

Get your average monthly car insurance rates today by giving only your zip code and letting insurance providers compete for your policy.

Average Car Insurance Rates

Average Car Insurance Rates

If you have been looking to finally insure your car, you should know a little about what’s available for the average car insurance payment. However, it does vary depending on so many factors. To try to make it easier for drivers, it is a better idea to give a general idea of what type of insurance is available and what goes into determining what your premiums will be.

Once you have a general comprehension of what insurance is available and what can affect the rates, you will understand why getting average car insurance rates is not easy to limit to one set price. Everything from the car you drive, where you live and even whether or not you are married can impact the answer to the questions “how much does car insurance cost?” The best way to find average car insurance rates by state is to get quotes based on your zip code.

Factors that Influence Average Car Insurance Rates

If you have never had your own car insurance policy, then getting an idea of average monthly car insurance premiums can seem like a daunting task. It doesn’t have to be, however, especially if you know a few factors that impact the rates or can help you lower your costs.

What do companies look at when setting up an average car insurance payment?  Average Car Insurance Rates

  • Your age, driving record and history of maintaining average car insurance all impact your average cost for car insurance per month.
  • Your zip code is how your average car insurance rates by state are determined.
  • The age of your vehicle and the condition it is in matters a good bit. Not to mention that even whether the car is kept in a garage or on the street in a higher crime area will change the rates.
  • If your car is financed, your average monthly car insurance rates will be steeper. This is especially true for newer cars.
  • Whatever your state regulations are for minimum average car insurance required will obviously effect what your premiums will look like.

Factors that Can Reduce Your Average Monthly Car Insurance

While it isn’t always easy to find a cheap car insurance policy, much of it depends on how much coverage you need. There are also ways you can help keep the average cost of car insurance per month lower by learning a few tricks.

  • Deductibles are a major component when it comes to your average car insurance cost per month. Deductibles are what you pay out of your own pocket in the event of an accident before your average car insurance policy kicks in. If you only have a $250 deductible in place, though, your rates will be much higher. Try adjusting your deductible to $500 or higher and see how much your rates change.
  • Pay annually or quarterly and your average car insurance payment will be much less than monthly.

Start today by filling in your zip code and finding out how affordable your average car insurance rates could be.